衛報:台灣學習與病毒共存 以中港為鑑走第3條路 | 生活 | 中央社 CNA
1. 鼓動親中台人嘲諷台灣防疫,中國「以疫謀亂」認知作戰又在蠢蠢欲動 https://www.thenewslens.com/article/166733 2. 台灣在中共「混合戰」最前線 布林肯:美台持續合作應對 https://www.ettoday.net/news/20220504/2243433.htm
Canadians across the country are rushing to obtain COVID-19 rapid tests amid the spread of the Omicron variant, only to find limited supplies and confusing rollouts.
The number of people infected with COVID-19 is now an ongoing mystery, as the highly infectious Omicron variant overwhelms testing capacity across the country.
Perhaps the most relevant comparison to the mad dash of scoring a rapid antigen test is the frenzied market for toilet paper that broke out in 2020.
昨天從藥局拿到第四盒免費快篩試劑,看到臺灣的染上Omicorn的人數天天破紀錄,快篩試劑供不應求,讓我回想到今年一、二月在溫哥華的我們也碰到類似的狀況,但過程可是超乎我這個習慣台灣便利醫療服務的人之想像。 covid-19, 溫哥華, 加拿大, 快篩試劑, 醫療, 防疫, 健保, 學校, 快篩試劑, 診所, 急診室, 二月, 電話, 醫生, 藥局, 免費, 快篩, 加拿大
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