Bones are not made of Calcium
They are made of 12 minerals
Which is Boron, Calcium, Chromium
You know Chromium helps get those blood sugars right
Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium and Phosphorus
Selenium, Sulfur, Silica, Zinc
These are 12 minerals
That's what your bones are made up of
And 64 trace minerals
When you take Calcium supplements into your body
You get an overload of Calcium
The body goes wow
And it shuts down the adrenal glands
To hold on to Magnesium to try and get the balance
And the effect of that is to cause the kidneys to release Potassium and Sodium
You get this huge imbalance
What is the best way to strengthen your bones?
Take the minerals that your bones are made up of
Where do you find it in the most perfect proportion?
Now I'm not suggesting you go and drink seawater
There's another place that you will get minerals in this proportion
And it's dark green leafy vegetables
Every day we should have them
We have a percentage of our guests are nurses that work in aged care
And they said in aged care
Every patient has a big Calcium supplement tablet
They have to take every day
And I said how many of them have Osteoporosis?
What's the answer?
All of them
Is it working?
Bones are not made of Calcium
They're made of 12 minerals