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(3)渥太華省政府的官方網站也可以找到“Find a participating pharmacy or grocery location to pick up a free COVID-19 rapid antigen test kit for at-home use.“參考[2]
(4)阿爾伯特省政府的官方網站也可以找到“Albertans can get free rapid testing kits to help detect COVID-19 infections early and stop the spread.“,參考[3]


[1]卑詩省應對新冠疫情的措施 https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/covid-19/translation/tc
[2]Onratio Rapid testing for at-home use
[3]Alberta Rapid testing at home

Rapid testing for at-home use

Ontarians can now get a free rapid antigen testing kit for at-home use. Expanding access to free rapid tests to the general public will to help detect COVID‑19 earlier and stop the spread of the


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