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白宮COVID-19特別工作組成員Dr. Fauci在2020年5月12日參議院聽證會回應參議員Sanders質詢時,的確表示其認為考量紐約應有在家死於COVID-19但未就醫者,實際死亡人數應比官方統計高,。


2020年5月12日參議院聽證會影片-NIAID主任Dr. Fauci說明真實死亡人數應更高:(01:23:36起)


Dr. Facuci發言原文為:

"Most of us feel that the number of deaths are likely 【higher】 than that number because given the situation, particularly in New York city, when they were really strapped with a very serious challenge to their healthcare system, that there may have been people who died at home who did have COVID, who were not counted as COVID because they never really got to the hospital."

"So in direct answer to your question, I think you are correct, that the number is likely higher. I don't know exactly what percent higher, but almost certainly it's 【higher】."

Rev Transcription Editor

Well, good morning. The Committee on Health, Education, Labor & Pensions will please come to order. First, some administrative matters, based on the advice of the attending physician and the Sergeant


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