in the last 20 years or am i mistaken about that i mean it's just kind of funny because iraq wrong syria wrong russia gate really wrong okay i mean the list goes on and on i mean if you're so impartial shouldn't you at least say right that zelensky was going to bring us on the verge of world war three that seems pretty fair while julian assange rots in prison all of you've got you know fat checks because he's in jail for doing your
job and you know what tucker carlson ain't no seymour hersh but he did something you guys are scared to do speak the truth and actually be critical of the war which is why he was actually fired from box because you are all cowards every single one of you none of you have actually had any relevancy and you know what the mainstream press is now dying nobody's ever going to listen to you again you have no credibility with the public the only people who care about what you have to say are
elite assholes who have nothing productive to say anymore and it's dying off so will you at least say something either about nordstream or ukraine or the fact that zelensky brought us to the verge of world war three and the only reason we knew about that was through leaks go ahead it's a free speech event right you guys are the press let's say something here mr khan come on you know you're the executive end of the new york times you know
i'm just trying to get into some good trouble here man listen karen get out of my face for a second i gotta talk to these gentlemen something about this bombing we blew up the nordstream pipeline listen don't stand there while there are people rotting in prison nobody said anything about a guru right the socialists who are in jail for being critical of this war god damn it listen let's go let's go at least say something about the people in jail for being
critical of this war they don't deserve to be in prison right now