

didn't stop transmission, I'm here to talk about how unsafe the vaccines are. I want to explain
why and I want to go through the biochemistry. Most vaccines, for example, the COVID virus
has 29 proteins in it. Normally, if you de-attenuated a vaccine, you gave someone
a de-attenuated vaccine. The other thing is, because that molecule is still quite large,
it's 28 molecules remaining in a normal de-attenuated vaccine. It is too big to
cross the endothelium. What is the endothelium? It is the small capillary between your muscle
tissues, the bloodstream. What this particular vaccine does is it delivers a lipid nanoparticle.
It is a very tiny particle, much smaller by a factor of 1,000 than a normal virus. What that
means is it can travel from the tissue through the endothelium into your bloodstream. About
half of the vaccine and the lipid nanoparticles go into organs other than the injection site.
This is despite the fact that we were told that a normal vaccine goes into your deltoid muscle and
that's where it stays. Well, that's not the case with this particular vaccine. What's particularly
scary about this is they knew this in the animal trials, and despite the fact that the
concentration was still increasing after 48 hours, you know what they did? They stopped the trial.
They stopped the trial. Now, don't you think you would run the trial right through to the point
of where the lipid nanoparticles had left the body? But they didn't do that.
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Ann 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 Ann 查核回應
影片中的講者為澳洲昆士蘭自由黨參議員Gerard Rennick,自2021年起已多次發佈疫苗的錯假消息。

1. 輝瑞疫苗並沒有終止動物實驗。

美國食品和藥物管理局發言人Veronika Pfaeffle已澄清,輝瑞於評估毒理學的動物試驗中使用老鼠,並無重大安全問題,亦有針對猴子等其他動物進行測試,確保疫苗的安全性和有效性。

2. 影片中稱「大概有一半的奈米顆粒進入注射部位以外的器官」為錯誤資訊。

脂質奈米微粒(lipid nanoparticles,簡稱LNP)是用於包裹mRNA、提高穩定性,此技術已有數十年的研發歷史。研究顯示,新冠mRNA疫苗中的LNP有99%會停留在注射部位,只有1%會隨血液循環,且LNP是生物分解材質,會自然降解、對器官不具危害性。台灣兒童感染症醫學會理事長邱南昌亦表示,mRNA會從奈米脂質載體分解出來,目前並無任何科學證據顯示具危害性。


False claim about COVID-19 vaccine animal studies circulates anew


Without these lipid shells, there would be no mRNA vaccines for COVID-19


【報告將隨時更新 2022/6/27版】 一、經檢視,網傳文章是NIH旗下所屬機構國家醫學圖書館(NLM)收錄的線上期刊國際外科神經期刊(SNI)所刊登的一篇「評論」文章,並非由美國國家衛生院(NIH)發布的論文。 二、專家協助檢視表示,該文並非經審核的學術論文,而是SNI期刊所登的主編評論,僅代表作者立場。 三、傳言文章提到疫苗危險性說法「疫苗會導致流產、畸形兒」、「疫苗會提高侵襲性癌症發病率」


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