To defeat the coronavirus, China had built a thousand bed hospital in 10 days, while India has prepared a modern hospital of 6370 beds overnight, at a very low cost.
近 31 日
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A close study on the viral claim revealed that a 6370-bed hospital has not been constructed overnight in the country. Isolation wards have been made in some bogies of the country's first medical train Jeevan Rekha which was run in the year 1991.


कोरोना से लड़ने के लिए रातों-रात नहीं बनाया गया 6370 बेड का अस्पताल, जीवन रेखा ट्रेन के नाम पर भ्रामक दावा वायरल

01:03 pm Mar 31, 2020 | JP Tripathi

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