A few basic tools can help you monitor symptoms and decide when to contact a doctor or visit the emergency room or urgent care center.
Doctors say for most people they aren't needed -- and may even be a bad idea. Lung problems like pneumonia and respiratory failure can be some of the most severe symptoms of COVID-19. Knowing how your
Evidence is emerging that this coronavirus doesn't act solely like a respiratory virus. And the blood vessel complications that emerge in more severe COVID-19 cases could have implications for how we
Recent reports of blood clotting and severe strokes potentially being associated with coronavirus infection have people wondering if taking aspirin may be a viable preventative. Healthy Food Guide edi
Researchers want to determine whether favipiravir, an oral drug, is effective in reducing the severity of symptoms and shortening the duration of COVID-19.
新型冠狀病毒(SARS-CoV-2)感染臨床處置暫行指引第七版.pdf 下載
台灣在6月15日、睽違13天後又迎來2例境外移入的確診案例,而且是從孟加拉回來的,2人都在當地確診、治療後才回台灣,但回到台灣卻又檢驗陽性。在這種狀況下,到底什麼時候可以開放邊境、要怎麼開放邊境,其實形成了台灣接下來最需要頭痛的問題。 全球單日新增確診突破14萬,疫情在美洲、亞洲開始新一波延燒 雖然對身在台灣的人來說,新冠肺炎的疫情好像已經過去,但對於全球的人來說,新冠肺炎不但沒有過去,還越演越烈
Israeli researchers have identified the mechanism that causes a deadly COVID-19 complication that affects 30% of patients: the formation of large and small blood clots that create lethal blockages in
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