(1)維基百科說 Dr Sucharit Bhakdi 是散播新冠肺炎謠言的主要散播者,聲稱新冠肺炎大流行是”假“的,新冠肺炎疫苗會絕滅人類。他的帳號已於2020年11月被 Youtube 因違反社群規範終結。 refer [1]
(2) 台灣事實查核中心也發布詳細查核報告,警告Dr Bhakdi的不實謠言,refer [2]
(3) 美國2021年最近住院病人99%是沒打過新冠疫苗。refer [3]
[1] 維基百科:Dr Sucharit Bhadi
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sucharit_Bhakdi[2] 台灣事實查核中心:【錯誤】網傳「德國 Bhakdi 教授建議不要打第二針,因為mRNA疫苗會讓淋巴細胞攻擊血管壁」?
https://tfc-taiwan.org.tw/articles/6033[3] WebMD: Over 99% Hospitalized 2021 COVID Patients Unvaccinated
https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/covid-19-vaccine/news/20210513/over-_99-percent-hospitalized-2021-covid-patients-unvaccinatedSeveral widely shared videos and blog posts on Facebook say the COVID-19 vaccines are a matter of life and death – but not because of the risk of the disease.
In an article published April 22 and later taken down, a website called Red Pill University (a reference to the baseless QAnon conspiracy theory) wrote that COVID-19 vaccines “will decimate world’s population.” As evidence, it cites a video featuring Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi.
Bhakdi is a microbiologist who has promoted ideas that run counter to the scientific consensus about the coronavirus pandemic, including the claim that face masks don’t protect against infection. In the video, which originally was published by the New American, a conservative magazine, Bhakdi says COVID-19 vaccines are deadly.