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Checking if the site connection is securecrossing.cw.com.tw needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Requests from malicious bots can pose as legitimate traffic. Occasionally
Checking if the site connection is securecrossing.cw.com.tw needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding. Requests from malicious bots can pose as legitimate traffic. Occasionally
烏俄戰事尚未停歇,除了砲火不斷之外,更傳出婦女、孩童被侵犯的事件。而烏克蘭人權事務監察官丹尼索娃(Lyudmyla Denisova)指出,現在已有不少女兵控訴,自己慘遭俄軍凌虐、羞處,像是在男性面前強脫衣物、削髮,甚至還被迫拍攝宣傳影片。
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