論文門破案! 英國判決出爐! 彭文正:LSE沒蔡英文口試紀錄|政經關不了(完整版)|2021.11.28
Caven Hands 口試委員 HM Courts & Tribunals Service Mr. Michael Richardson
HM Courts & Tribunals Service is responsible for the administration of criminal, civil and family courts and tribunals in England and Wales. We are also responsible for non-devolved tribunals in Scotland and Northern Ireland. work with an independent judiciary to provide a fair, efficient and effective justice system.
Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) 26. November 2021
Decision Notice
1. The complainant has requested the names of examiners who examined the then- MissTsai In-wen ( Now President of Taiean) for her PHD and yhe report from her viva. 2. The council of the London School of Economics and political science ( The LSE) denied holding the requested information . The commisioner's decision is that , on the balance of probabiliies, the LSE does not hold the requested information . 3. The comissioner does nor require firther steps.