Lin 認為 含有錯誤訊息
引用自 Lin 查核回應
While parts of the chain message are true, the author distorted the context. Findings show that in total, over 6 million masks have been shipped to several countries in Africa. And while there are reports of some returned medical-masks, it was because they were defective, not infected. Further, the author took out of context, the WHO Director-General, Chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus’ cautionary message; although factual, his advisory was not to bolster the need to reject “infected shipped masks” from China. He instead, implored the health care systems in African countries against the imminent pandemic.


China supplied 2 million masks to Africa; WHO says Africa must (should) prepare for the worst; China plans to distribute "infected" masks. https://dubawa.org/infected-masks-whatsapp-message-a-mis-bag-of-conjecture-misplaced-truth-outright-lies/

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