美國破產名單* US Bankruptcy Records*
Victoria's Secret declared bankruptcy
Zara closed 1,200 stores
La Chapelle withdrew from 4,391 stores
Channel discontinued
Hermes discontinued
Patek Philippe discontinued
Rolex discontinued
The world's luxury goods industry has collapsed
Nike is preparing a second phase of layoffs for a total of $23 billion
Gold's gym files for bankruptcy
The founder of AirBnb said that 12 years of hard work came to nothing in 6 weeks because of the epidemic
Even Starbucks announced the permanent closure of its 400 stores
13、WeWork 也不是很好
WeWork isn't great either
*Nissan Motor Corporation may close in the United States. *
1. 最大的汽車租賃公司(赫茲)申請破產——他們還擁有 Thrifty 和 Dollar
2. 最大的貨運公司(Comcar)申請破產——他們有 4000 輛卡車
3. 最古老的零售公司 (JC Penny) 申請破產 - 將被亞馬遜以幾美分的價格收購
4. 世界上最大的投資者(沃倫巴菲特)在過去 2 個月損失了 $50B
5. 世界上最大的投資公司(貝萊德)正在發出世界經濟災難的信號——他們管理著超過 7 萬億美元
6. 美國最大的購物中心(Mall of America)停止支付抵押貸款
7. 世界上最知名的航空公司(阿聯酋)裁員 30%
8. 美國財政部印製數万億美元試圖維持經濟的生命支持
9. 估計數 2020 年關閉的零售店數量為 12,000 至 15,000 家。
1. Largest car rental company (Hertz) files for bankruptcy — they also own Thrifty and Dollar
2. Largest trucking company (Comcar) files for bankruptcy - they have 4,000 trucks
3. The oldest retail company (JC Penny) files for bankruptcy - to be bought by Amazon for pennies
4. The largest investor in the world (Warren Buffett) lost $50B in the past 2 months
5. The world's largest investment firm (BlackRock) is signaling world economic catastrophe - they manage over $7 trillion
6. Mall of America stops paying mortgages
7. World's most famous airline (UAE) to cut 30% of its workforce
8. The U.S. Treasury prints trillions of dollars to try to keep the economy on life support
9. The estimated number of retail store closures in 2020 is 12,000 to 15,000.
*The following are the major retailers that announced closures:*
- J. Crew 傑克魯
- Gap 蓋璞
- Victoria's Secret 維多利亞的秘密
- Bath & Body Works(BBWI) 巴斯與身體工程
- Forever 21
- Sears 西爾斯百貨
- Walgreens 沃爾格林
- Play Station 索尼旗下的索尼互動娛樂
- Pier 1 1號碼頭(美國家具專賣商)
- Nordstrom 諾德斯特龍
- Papyrus
- Chico's 美國成衣女裝品牌
- AC Moore
- Macy's 梅西百貨
- Bose 美國博士揚聲器
- Art Fan Furniture 美國家具商
- Olympia Sports
- Kmart 凱馬特
...... 還有更多 and more
*失業救濟人數達到 38+ 百萬的歷史新高——失業率超過 25%(在 1.6 億勞動力中,近 4000 萬人失業)。 沒有收入,消費需求急劇下降,經濟將自由落體。 這只是美國... *
*Unemployment claims hit an all-time high of 38+ million - unemployment rate over 25% (nearly 40 million out of a workforce of 160 million). Without income, consumer demand plummets and the economy goes into free fall. It's just America...*
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