

The fact is these are life shortening injections. Everyone who gets shot after shot after shot of these COVID shots is shortening their life with each and single injection.
These are the most toxic medical agents put into human beings in history. Don't take a shot that's going to damage your immune system.
Don't let your children take a shot that's going to damage their ovaries for life. As a 12-year-old, are they going to be fertile when they're 24 or 25 if they've had massive inflammation induced into their own ovaries?
Because this shot was designed to cross into the ovary barrier. This shot was designed to cross into the brain barrier. This shot was designed to go everywhere.
And that's why people are dying in such strange circumstances, unexplained circumstances, but the numbers are horrific.
10 to 14-year-olds die 82 times more likely if vaccinated than not. 82 to 100 times more mortality in vaccinated 10 to 14-year-olds than those who are not.
We don't have the numbers for the 5 to 9-year-olds because no one's been brave enough to do the statistics. I shudder to think what they'd be if they ever did it honestly.
But they were stuck doing it honestly. They did it honestly in 2020 into 2021. The only time that an exact observable, comparable testing of children was done.
And it was done by the British. And when it came out on February 22nd, and then again on May 31st, and showed that if vaccinated, 10 to 14-year-olds died 82 times more than if they were left alone.
So in common sense terms, if you want your child to be 82 to 100 times more likely to die this next year, get them another COVID biogenomic shot. Get them another one.
You'll be making them 82 times more likely to die. And I am accurate about that. I am not telling you something that's not true. This is the truth.
Please take care of your children. Please take care of yourselves. And please never take another COVID shot. It is the only way out of this.
近 31 日
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【報告將隨時更新 2021/7/12版】 一、網傳影片的主角為都柏林大學教授多洛雷斯・卡希爾(Dolores Cahill ),她曾因宣稱「戴口罩會降低智商,易受政府操控」等言論遭致批評。 二、專家指出,mRNA疫苗不會進到人體細胞核,不會改造基因。 三、專家指出,疫苗若設計不當可能產生抗體依賴性增強(ADE)的風險,但mRNA疫苗有顧慮此風險而有特殊設計,目前的科學證據尚未顯示出有ADE風險。


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