網傳「英國數據爆料:接種三次疫苗的兒童死亡率竟是未接種疫苗的兒童的 303 倍」的訊息,內容聲稱英國 10 - 14 歲兒童接種三劑疫苗後,死亡風險比未施打疫苗的兒童高 303 倍,全因死亡率也大幅攀升。經查證,全因死亡率代表「一定時期內,因為各種原因造成死亡的總人數」,網傳文章引用的數據,並沒有列
網傳「英國數據爆料:接種三次疫苗的兒童死亡率竟是未接種疫苗的兒童的 303 倍」的訊息,內容聲稱英國 10 - 14 歲兒童接種三劑疫苗後,死亡風險比未施打疫苗的兒童高 303 倍,全因死亡率也大幅攀升。經查證,全因死亡率代表「一定時期內,因為各種原因造成死亡的總人數」,網傳文章引用的數據,並沒有列
A U.K. blog took data out of context and omitted that most of the vaccinated children in the data set were at higher risk of death because of existing medical conditions.
Posts are circulating widely on social media suggesting that data from Britain's Office for National Statistics (ONS) show COVID-19 vaccination is increasing child mortality in England. However, the s
Provisional death registration data for England and Wales, broken down by sex, age and country. Includes deaths due to coronavirus (COVID-19) and leading causes of death.
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