

All advocated a global humanity injection by a bioweapon injecting nanolipids into 5.7
billion people.
And we Swiss are hosting them?
That's terrible.
We cannot tolerate any entity that promotes poison to be injected into humanity.
But you've done it.
I'm the victim.
I'm dying from it.
And my mother, too.
It's a demo site.
And you'll be judged.
It will be corrected in the name of humanity.
Maybe there is a Geneva Swiss syndrome, but definitely there is a UN syndrome.
Because people are so afraid of what's going on, because the United Nations is occupied,
that people in there don't understand.
Those who understand keep quiet or try to speak in different ways to help people to
wake up.
So if you understand that, you know that this was very easy to carve a world government.
If you don't have a force that stops that and says, we the people is more important.
And that's what we're doing now.
We're trying to build a we the people movement that is very global, something completely
But what is going on in Geneva is the opposite at the moment.
There is no right to WHO to give any orders to dictate to the whole world like they have
And the Global Alliance for Vaccine Immunization, GAVI, got total immunity from the Swiss government.
You can find this admin.lex in the Swiss database.
Go and look.
This is a coup d'etat, clearly.
It's a global crime scene.
We are bringing little pieces of evidence to people with humility, because in science
you always have a doubt.
It's a healthy doubt.
And I think that is a very important attitude.
I believe personally Geneva has a better future.
Swiss neutrality has to be restored.
We have no future not being neutral.
The young people who survive through this will be the guarantors, hopefully, that such
institutions can never again take foothold in our blessed country.
Never again.
The snakehead is in Geneva.
I call it a direct, clear and present danger to the Swiss population, but I can tell you
it is being cut off.
If you have a house of cards, and this is a house of cards of a criminal, one card pulled
by justice and the whole card house collapses.
But from hope alone it is not done.
Everybody must now change the spirit.
And all the vaccinated, the injected, knowing that they are poisoned.
We are the masses.
We are billions of people.
Let's just stand up and say, stop.
We will not comply and in French, ni oubli, ni pardon, because we are the guardians of
humanity and our light obliterates the darkness of evil, always.
近 31 日
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這則訊息中有幾個地方可能需要閱聽人特別留意或懷疑: 1. 訊息中提到全球人類注射奈米脂質的生物武器,這樣的說法可能是不實的陰謀論,需要謹慎對待。 2. 訊息中暗示瑞士正在容許這樣的行為發生,但缺乏具體證據支持這樣的指控,閱聽人應保持懷疑態度。 3. 訊息中提到世界衛生組織(WHO)和全球疫苗免疫聯盟(GAVI)的行為,但未提供具體證據支持指控,閱聽人應謹慎對待這些言論。 4. 訊息中提到對瑞士政府的指控,需要更多的事實來支持這些說法,閱聽人應保持理性思考。 5. 訊息中呼籲人們站出來反對注射,這可能是在散播恐懼或不實信息,閱聽人應保持冷靜,依據權威資訊做出判斷。 總之,閱聽人應該保持理性思考,不要輕信未經證實的陰謀論或指控,並依據權威資訊做出判斷。
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