

So today I just wanted to show how much electricity is coming off of a device when it's plugged in
and why you should never have your devices on your lap if they're plugged in or your cell phone
in your hand as it's plugged in. So here we go. So this is the Apple MacBook and this is how much
voltage is coming off. It's a very small amount just because where it's placed right now. But
what happens is when I bring this cord over here that's plugged into the wall, look at that 200
volts, right? So if I touch this cord that's plugged in I'm going to ground it and now 50 to
60 volts are going to go into my fingertips. Now I'm going to plug this into the device just like
this. So now that's plugged in. Now there's 170, it looks like 170 volts coming out of the wire.
I go to touch this. Look at that. I drop it down because all the voltage is absorbed by my body.
This voltage can impact my health, my brain, my heart, my lungs.
So it's very important not to have your device connected while being in use.
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