轉貼請大家廣傳 : 《致聯合國國際人權辦公室的控訴文》--(全文中英對照)
Regarding: “Human Right of Taiwan Retired Civil Servants”
Dear Mr. xxx (.OHCHR ):
On the day of June xx, 2017, by an overwhelming majority, the congress of Taiwan passed “Organic Act of Public Service Pension”. This action caused a suffering to torture rest lifes of 460 thousands of Taiwan retired civil servants including career military/soldier, government employees, teachers, police and firefighters. Never happened in else countries in the world so far, Taiwan government distinctively violated principles of legality of “Non-retroactivity” based on “Legitimate expectation” as adopted by countries all over the world. A review group under Taiwan Presidential Office, illegally taking the place of Ministry of Civil Service, i.e. the competent authority, handled the whole process of so-called unconstitutional pension reform. The fact that Taiwan retired civil servants will start facing their dilemma of half-cut pension, indicates a deprivation of their foreseen property by Taiwan government.
Prior to 1995, all Taiwan retired civil servants were subject to the legal binding of the law “Full Payment of Responsibility”. It has been lasting for 22 years until 2017 that sufficiently intensifies “Legitimate expectation” to protect their pension in future. But right now Taiwan government behaving as an authoritarian leads a renewable pension reform due to going financial bankruptcy as excused. Almost cut to half as their will as if a bargaining in vegetable market. This event behind conceals a politics struggle that Taiwan government tries to rectify political foes by infringement and persecution of their property, a kind of human right. Actually the ratio of “Total national liabilities” to GDP is 40% in Taiwan much lower than 90% in UK, 104% in US and 243% in Jansen. Such a case of unconstitutional pension reform never happened even when Greece encounters financial difficulties. Moreover, the new France president Macron emphasized “Pension reform is non-retroactive, since it represents a promise given by the government before.” and also “There will be no change to retired persons. Their pension and spending power won’t be hurt.” As to the United States, from 1920 to 1987, retired civil servants owned their pension payment based on the law of “Civil Service Retirement System” (CSRS). In 1987, The law was updated to “Federal Employees Retirement System” (FERS) that applied to new employees since then. Employees between 1984 and 1987 might select either CSRS or FERS according to their will.
在1995年以前,所有台灣廣義退休公務員都信從政府「全額給付責任」的法律約束,迄今已持續了22年,這足以強化「信賴保護原則」,以保障他們未來的退休給付;但在目前,台灣政府以未來的財政破產為藉口,專權引導退休金改革案的更新,退休金如同菜市場ㄧ般可以討價還價,隨意地幾近砍半,本案的背後隱藏著政治鬥爭,台灣政府藉侵犯他們財產,迫害他們人權來整肅異己;事實上,台灣的「國家負債總額」與「國內生產總值」之比為40% ,遠低於英國的90% 、美國的104% 及日本的243% 。希臘既使在遭遇財政困難時,也沒有出此下策,違憲竄改退休金;更何況,法國新任總統馬克龍還強調「退休金改革不溯及既往,因為那代表以前政府給予的承諾」及「退休人員將無所改變,其退休金與消費能力絕不受損」;至於美國於1920 到1987年間,廣義退休公務員依「公務員退休系統」(CSRS)的法律,取得退休給付,1987年的新制法律「聯邦雇員退休系統」(FERS)則僅適用於當年以後的新進員工,1984-1987年的緩衝時段內,員工可以自由選擇舊制或新制。
The 22-year-lasting Taiwan pension system was regarded as a contract between Taiwan government and civil servants that was not allowed to contravene unless Taiwan government deals with “declared bankruptcy”. To deem the pension reform unconstitutional that retroactively stripped of their rights via the introduction of new laws, mass protesters of 250 thousands congregated in front of Presidential Office as shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Special participants were wheelchair-bound veterans as shown in Fig. 3 who need medical care and nursing worker. They felt furious after being ignored their appealing. Furthermore facing trespasses of their foreseen property by Taiwan government, they feel helpless and pissed off. We hereby appeal to OHCHR for protecting the "Human Right of Taiwan Retired Civil Servants”.
Best regards
Ping-Ho Chen
A Taiwan retired civil servant
Taiwan listee in “2016 Who’s Who in the World, 33rd.”
2016 33屆 世界名人錄台灣列名者