[混打疫苗不能搭遊輪] 有些遊輪公司的最新政策,不承認混打兩種不同性質疫苗的客人,可以搭船。例如,#公主遊輪 #荷美遊輪 都規定打一劑 #阿斯利康疫苗 ,第二劑打 #輝瑞疫苗 或 #莫德納疫苗 ,不可以搭遊輪。如果,兩劑都是 #mRNA疫苗。混打輝瑞疫苗和莫德納疫苗是可以搭遊輪。是可以搭遊輪。Guests who have received one single dose of a vector vaccine (e.g. AstraZeneca) and one single dose of a mRNA vaccine (e.g. Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna) will not be considered fully vaccinated. Guests who have received two single doses of mixed vaccines that are the same type (e.g., mRNA) will be considered fully vaccinated and will be permitted to sail, so long as the final dose is received at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the cruise.