Welcome to the United Nations Travel Agency. These departments are responsible for providing the identification number of Dr. Akira. ID number 05-1783451-0JAF034. But we have a problem before we can fully grant these documents on behalf of Dr. Akira before the UN can legally issue these certificates from headquarters. Dr. Akira needs to provide us with some information and other identification documents so we can start the vacation documentation. Below is the valuable identification information needed to record by Dr. Akira.

1: name:

2: Surname:

3: Nationality:

4: Passport or valid identity card:

In order to board a China Airlines, we need to legally approve a leave confirmation on behalf of Dr. Akira In accordance with the statutes of the United Nations (UN) body according to § 121 paragraph 1 letter n) of the United Nations Staff Leave Act adopted by the Constituent Assembly in 2004 prior to the issuance of the leave certificate to Dr. Akira and the approval of flights to Taiwan.

These certificates can be issued by the headquarters on behalf of Dr. Akira to be legally signed and approved only after payment of the holiday certificate, which will cost you 81,550 TWD. We need complete information from Dr. Akira with documentation and schedule a flight date with China Airlines, for Dr. Akira to flew to Taiwan In less than 48 hours, after receiving the payment, the head office will send Dr. Akira to Taiwan immediately after 48 hours.

For information about our branches and bank accounts, please contact us immediately.

Merry Christmas…


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