20210831 QA 強尼 蔡凱宙 - 淺談突刺蛋白跟普利昂 Prions Spike Proteins
Prions Spike Proteins CJD Dementia Parkinson's Neurological Disorders
Prions Spike Proteins CJD Dementia Parkinson's Neurological Disorders
There is no evidence to indicate that the spike proteins generated by human cells following vaccination are a toxin or that they circulate in the body and damage tissues, contrary to what a Canadian v
There is no proof that spike proteins created in response to mRNA vaccines are harmful to the body, scientists have told Reuters.
網傳「講解毒疫苗刺突蛋白的危害」的影片。專家指出,當疫苗打進身體後,會到細胞質裡面利用細胞質製造 S 蛋白(棘蛋白);之後,棘蛋白會至細胞表面誘發免疫系統,產生反應。這個不是特別發生在血管裡,並無特別關聯。腺病毒載體疫苗較容易出現血栓副作用的原因,目前認為與「血小板第四因子」的抗體有關;一般的血栓發
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