I do not want anything that will tarnish my image and my reputation. Sometimes these groups of people hacked into our Camp computer I.P just to get vital information about us or even use our photos for a criminal act. Sub I will like you to always identify my personality with this my UN CODE NUMBER: SMW2712RB sequently,Anyone who comes your way online assuming to be me or any other respected doctor working under the UNITED NATIONS in South Sudan or anywhere should be asked to provide this vital code. Inability to do so should be likened to a rebel, and please delete or block the person immediately. I will like to know you more and possibly tell you more about these people and how they operate.And please, do not disclose this code to anyone.
近 31 日
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這則訊息中有幾個地方需要特別留意: 1. 訊息中提到有人駭入「我們的營地電腦IP」,這可能是一個詐騙手法。駭客通常不會公開這樣的行為,而且這種情況應該由專業的資安團隊處理,而不是由閱聽人來解決。 2. 訊息中提到了一個「UN CODE NUMBER」,並要求閱聽人在線上確認身份時要求對方提供這個代碼。然而,這種方式並不可靠,因為詐騙者也可以聲稱自己擁有這個代碼。閱聽人應該謹慎對待這種要求,並確保與任何人交流時都要保護個人資訊。 3. 訊息中提到要告訴閱聽人更多關於這些人如何運作,但沒有提供具體的細節。這可能是詐騙者試圖引起閱聽人的好奇心,以便獲取更多個人資訊。 總之,閱聽人應該保持警惕,不要輕易相信這樣的訊息,並避免提供個人敏感資訊給陌生人。如果有任何懷疑,最好向相關的權威機構尋求幫助。
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