Ivanka Trump (Official)
American businesswoman who, under her father Donald Trump's administration, worked as a senior advisor to him and as the director of the Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship. https://w
American businesswoman who, under her father Donald Trump's administration, worked as a senior advisor to him and as the director of the Office of Economic Initiatives and Entrepreneurship. https://w
【報告將隨時更新 2021/6/30版】 一、傳言宣稱的法律訴訟,源自小羅伯特·甘廼迪在2018年事件,其訴訟對象是美國公共衛生與服務部(HHS)。傳言稱他的訴訟對象是「比爾蓋茲、弗奇、藥廠」、「聯邦政府因此取消強制接種疫苗」,為捏造虛構。 二、專家指出,mRNA疫苗不會嵌入細胞核的基因體中,不會干擾或改變人體基因。 三、傳言宣稱「首次接種新冠疫苗後約有0.8%的人在兩週內死亡」未有證據支持,也不
A former Pfizer scientist turned anti-vax proponent has made unfounded claims about the novel coronavirus in videos of a speech he gave that have been posted on social media.
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