Flipboard on Flipboard
@flipboard | Official Flipboard accountYour hand gestures can help make you more charismaticResearch into public speakers suggests hand gestures can powerfully change the way you are perceived. David
@flipboard | Official Flipboard accountYour hand gestures can help make you more charismaticResearch into public speakers suggests hand gestures can powerfully change the way you are perceived. David
出自 MBA智库百科(https://wiki.mbalib.com/) 職業枯竭(Job Burnout) 職業枯竭又稱工作倦怠,是指在工作重壓下的一種身心疲憊的狀態,厭倦工作的感受,是一種身心能量被工作耗盡的感覺。 1、問題的提出。職業枯竭可表現為身體疲勞、情緒低落、創造力衰竭、價值感降低,工作上的消極狀態還會進而影響整個
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