For the most part, artificial intelligence these days is pretty sweet. Whether you want to set a timer with your voice, play a game of chess with a computer or just put a Minion’s head on Superman’s body, AI can help you achieve your goal. Of course, that same power can be used for things that are not so sweet, like, um, killing us all.

Stephen Hawking Says A.I. Could Be Our 'Worst Mistake In History'

The world's most famous physicist is warning about the risks posed by machine…
Read more on io9.​gizmodo.​com
In light of those possibilities, some of tech’s biggest names launched an initiative on Tuesday to help “steer AI in a way that maximizes the benefits to society.” That includes eBay founder Pierre Omidyar and LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, who will each donate $10 million to the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Fund, anchoring its initial investment of $27 million.
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