Depopulation: “500,000 Americans have died after the vacxxxation. “
Dr. Russell Blaylock: ”Why would you tell people to take a vacxxxe that so far killed hunderds of thousands of people just in this country? In the past, if a vacxxxe killed 50 people, they would pull vacxxxe. They'd be end of it. This has killed hunderds of thousands of people and they keep promoting it. They keep calling it safe, they keep calling it effective. “
人口減少:「50萬美國人在接種疫喵後死亡。 」
Dr. Russell Blaylock:「你為什麼要告訴人們接種一種迄今為止僅僅在這個國家就殺死了數十萬人的疫喵?過去,如果一種疫喵殺死了50 人,他們就會撤掉疫喵。他們會結束它。這已經殺死了數十萬人,並且他們一直在推廣它。他們一直稱其為安全,他們一直稱其為有效。」 @Covid19vaccinevictims