Cancer ‘vaccine’ eliminates tumors in mice
Injecting minute amounts of two immune-stimulating agents directly into solid tumors in mice can eliminate all traces of cancer in the animals, including distant, untreated metastases, according to a
Injecting minute amounts of two immune-stimulating agents directly into solid tumors in mice can eliminate all traces of cancer in the animals, including distant, untreated metastases, according to a
打一針,就能消除全身癌細胞?這是令人難以想像的。而美國斯坦福大學的最新研究成果,讓人們看到了些許曙光。 該研究團隊研發出新型癌症疫苗,只需注射微量,就清除了小鼠體內所有癌細胞,成功率達97%,並且對多種癌症有效。 殺死全身腫瘤的癌症疫苗 「癌症疫苗」分為兩大類,一類用於預防癌症,至今有兩種被FDA批准:乙肝疫苗和HPV疫苗;另一類用於治療癌症,屬於新興的免疫療法。它能激起人體免疫系統的戰力,殺死癌
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