"We disagree with that decision, because we think Zoom is safe to use for meetings that aren't highly sensitive. For school classes, after-work get-togethers, or even workplace meetings that stick to routine business, there's not much risk in using Zoom."
結論就是,除非你是英國國防部、SpaceX、或是高科技公司、等這類要討論高度機密的人,不然對於教學、或是一般商務的會議而言,用 Zoom 沒有太大風險 (quote: not much risk in using Zoom)。
Google 當初退出中國就是這個原因,因為公司的決策要求的是公司最大利益。在大陸,目前大多數的人用的是阿里巴巴跟微信的會議軟體,用 Zoom 的很少。美國跟其他國家市場,才是 Zoom 的主要利基來源。如果 Zoom 在大陸同意把使用者資料交給政府,他在美國的市場絕對雪崩,這也是為什麼當初 Google 寧可全面退出大陸也不把資料給大陸官方。
Are you using Zoom yet? It seems that everyone in America who's been forced to work, or do schoolwork, from home during the coronavirus lockdown is using the video-conferencing platform for meetings,
If you're working from home, you've probably used Zoom. The FBI says you should be careful
Thu at 9:52pmThu 2 Apr 2020, 9:52pm
Zoom has had a surge in popularity during the coronavirus pandemic, but some businesses are backing away from the videoconferencing app