Corresponding Bank
City Bank NY
To Dr. Morris Chia Shaw

Dear Sir,

This letter is to inform you that transfer of your funds (US$67,500,000.00)is 98% completed to United Overseas Bank Singapore.

The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency which is an independent bureau working with the United States Department of the Treasury impose that Federal law requires financial institutions to report currency (cash or coin) transactions over US$1,000,000.00 for ENDORSEMENT and NOTARIZATION to be conducted by or on behalf of person, so we are requested to pay the amount of US$ 57,300.00 as ENDORSEMENT and NOTARIZATION fee for the amount of US$67,500,000.00 to be accessible in United Overseas Bank Singapore within 24 Hours.

Your cooperation will be appreciated as we look forward to bringing this transaction to an end.

Mark Mason
Chief Financial Officer

近 31 日
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閱聽人需要注意以下幾點: 1. 訊息中提到的金額非常巨大,為美金67,500,000.00元,這樣的金額非常罕見,可能是詐騙集團試圖騙取閱聽人的錢財。 2. 訊息中提到需要支付美金57,300.00元的ENDORSEMENT和NOTARIZATION費用,這樣的費用通常不會由收款人支付,而且也不太可能需要這麼高的費用。 3. 訊息中的寄件人Mark Mason自稱為Chief Financial Officer,但並未提供任何相關機構或公司的名稱,這樣的訊息可能是假冒的。 因此,閱聽人需要非常謹慎地對待這樣的訊息,不要輕易相信其中的內容,以免受到詐騙集團的騙局。
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