今天讀到前澳大利亞首相 John Menadue 的公共政策雜誌“Pearls and Irritations ”刊登的文章:《Strategists admit West is goading China into war 戰略家承認西方正在煽動中國參戰》。
1. US military experts say a war over Taiwan is desirable, because Asia’s growth to become world’s economic heartland has become unstoppable.
Yes, we want war. But just a small one, please, followed by a quick surrender. The United States is diligently working with Australia and the UK to goad China into what they hope will be a limited war over Taiwan, according to military strategists. By continually poking at the giant developing nation, the aim is to force it to fire the first bullet — and then use that to paint China as the protagonist, the bully that the rest of the world must unite against.
是的,我們想要戰爭。 但請只發起一個小型戰爭,然後快速的投降。 據軍事戰略家們透漏,美國正在與澳大利亞和英國密切合作,以促使中國進入他們所希望的針對台灣的有限戰爭。 要不斷的戳戳這個發展中的巨大中國,目的是迫使它發射第一顆子彈——然後用戰爭把中國描繪成主角,世界其他地區必會聯合起來反對這個惡霸。
To prepare for this, the partners in the scheme are teaming up. Rather like the “coalition of the willing” in the Iraq War 2.0, the US is pushing for another misadventure, this time through a coalition of the coerced.
為了做準備,該計劃的夥伴們正在合作。 就像伊拉克戰爭 2.0 中的“自願聯盟”一樣,美國正在推動另一場災難,這一次是通過另一個聯盟來脅迫。
2. People will die
But won’t there be Taiwanese casualties? Yes. China “must be permitted to strike as indiscriminately as possible,” in this scenario. “Colby further urges the US not to provide potential civilian targets with air defences, reasoning that collateral damage will whip up the public anger against China necessary to winning a war,” Roussinos adds.
但是這樣豈不是會造成台灣人民的傷亡嗎? 是的,在這種情況下,中國“必須被允許不分青紅皂白地進行打擊(台灣)”。 “Colby進一步敦促美國,不要為潛在的平民標吧提供防空系統,理由是附帶的死亡損害將會激起公眾對中國的憤怒,這是對贏得戰爭所必需的,”Roussinos補充道。
In other words, deaths of Taiwan citizens (the “collateral damage” he mentions) would be a public relations coup for the US side.
“Forcing China to escalate could be in our [US] interests,” Roussinos points out.
Roussinos指出 “迫使中國升級戰爭,可能符合我們[美國]的利益”。