British Columbians warned of Salmonella infections
British Columbia (B.C.) is one of five provinces experiencing an ongoing Salmonella outbreak. The outbreak has been linked to red onions, imported from the United States. To date, 43 cases have been
Outbreak of Salmonella Newport Infections Linked to Red Onions | Outbreak of Salmonella Infections | July 2020 | Salmonella | CDC
July 31, 2020
Since the last update on July 24, 2020, an additional 184 ill people have been reported in this outbreak, including 37 from 11 new states: Alaska, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Ma
1. 此次感染,來源為南加州湯姆森國際公司(Thomson International Inc.)所生產的紅洋蔥,目前該公司已經召回可能受交叉污染的紅、黃、白和甜洋蔥。加拿大衛生機關也呼籲民眾,若不確定洋蔥是否來自湯姆森公司,則應立即丟棄,並消毒可能與這些產品接觸的容器。截至8月8日,加拿大已有239名病例、美國已有600名以上病例。
Thomson International Inc. Conducts Voluntary Recall of Red, Yellow, White, and Sweet Yellow Onions Because of Possible Salmonella Risk
Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, California is recalling Red, Yellow, White, and Sweet Yellow Onions shipped from May 1, 2020 through the present. The onions are being recalled because they
Public Health Notice: Outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to red onions imported from the United States -
August 2, 2020 – Update
Since July 30, there have been six additional illnesses reported in the ongoing Canadian investigation, including illnesses in Saskatchewan and Québec. There are now 120 conf